I think for the most part my reviews are pretty self-explanatory, except for my grading system. So this post will explain how I grade what and why.
A: Anything with an A grade is something I would Highly Recommend. A graded anime and manga are ones I highly enjoyed, have very few to none unenjoyable traits, and I believe most other people would enjoy too.
B: Anime and manga with a B grade is something I would Recommend. B grades are the average for my grading scale (I know my grading scale is skewed) as B works are things I enjoyed, I feel have few unenjoyable traits (or these traits are mitigated by the enjoyable traits), and have broad appeal.
C: Works with C grades are things I would recommend if the specific work appealed to you. These works usually have some sort of problem be it pacing, plot, voice acting, artwork, characters, etc. that diminished the enjoyability of these works. Now C anime and manga do have several traits that make them enjoyable, but they are works, because of their flaws, that won't have the mass appeal or enjoyment that A and B works will.
D: Anime and manga with D grades mean that they have several problems that detract from their enjoyability and not enough positives to really make it worth ones time unless you are looking for the specific aspects the work has. This also includes a lot of artistic works where the anime or manga is focused only one aspect at the expense of the others. Don't expect me to review a lot of D works.
F: I would be shocked if I ever reviewed a work I gave an F to, as I probably would've stopped watching/reading before I started. But these are works that are universally bad. Think Star Wars Christmas Special bad. Basically anything I give an F to I would not only not recommend, but I would also suggest not touching it or looking at it's general direction.
+ and - are more of a personal ranking of where they belong within each category. For reference a B+ work will either be more enjoyable or have more mass appeal or both than a B or B- work.
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